The Scottish Government are asking for your views on the Circular Economy Bill.

This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government’s proposals for legislation to develop Scotland’s circular economy. The consultation sets out a number of areas in which they are seeking views on whether to take powers within a new Circular Economy Bill. This is presented in a document Delivering Scotland’s Circular Economy.

Circular Communities Scotland consider this a once in a generation opportunity. They have prepared a proposal paper to encourage a strong and ambitious Bill.

You have the chance to have your say on this important Bill.

Scottish Government Consultation

Consultation on Proposals for a Circular Economy Bill
Have your say

Circular Communities Scotland

Support for a Strong Circular Economy Bill
Support the proposal


Things that motivate me : Movie 'This Changes Everything' by Naomi Klein. Book 'Utopia for Realists' by Rutger Bregman. Do one thing today, become an Earth Protector and help make Ecocide Law.

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