Look out for this sticker in windows across Arran

Reusable bottles can be refilled with tap water at any participating Arran business. Over 50 businesses will fill your bottle, just pop in and ask.

With funding from The Arran Trust

• Reduce the single use plastic bottle.

• Improve sustainability on Arran.

• Encourage all Arran visitors and residents to carry a refillable water bottle.

• Extend a warm Green Arran welcome.

Arran Fills logo

Join us

If you are a community group or business who would like to participate please contact your village hub or arran.ecosavvy@gmail.com to receive your sticker.

Map of Arran with refill destinations

Roisin Ballantyne, a pupil from Kilmory, has her winning design is being used on clear vinyl window stickers which are displayed all around Arran by participating businesses and local communities.


The shop opened on 18th April 2014 run entirely by volunteers and located in Whiting Bay village on the Isle of Arran.

The purpose is to save unwanted items from being sent to landfill by finding another use and helping us all to reduce the plastics we use. It's not just about volunteering!

Find out more

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Handcrafted with love by From This Day
© Arran Eco Savvy 2025