Become a volunteer

Volunteering can be a regular or occasional commitment and we have many areas we need help.

To find out more about all of them please fill out this form and we will be in touch to see how we can get you involved in what we do. 

  • A regular shop volunteer every week or filling in a shift when your able. 
  • Being a part of the new project development, meeting every few months. 
  • Helping to support the current projects by being a trustee, meeting once every month. 


    The shop opened on 18th April 2014 run entirely by volunteers and located in Whiting Bay village on the Isle of Arran.

    The purpose is to save unwanted items from being sent to landfill by finding another use and helping us all to reduce the plastics we use. It's not just about volunteering!

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    Handcrafted with love by From This Day
    © Arran Eco Savvy 2025