By Ute Locatelli and Elsa Rodeck

We began practising mindfulness together many years ago, and recently met again working in the Community Garden at Cordon. 

While gardening, we talked about the values of ‘environment’, ‘community’ and ways of protecting the earth. We recognised the great projects like COAST, Eco Savvy, Pioneer Project, and all of named and unnamed people involved in working for our planet here on this island and became enthusiastic about bringing these two ideas, the environment and meditation, together.

…Digging a bit deeper, we found a common inspiration in the work of Thich Nhat Hanh and his book Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet.

The situation the Earth is in today has been created by unmindful production and consumption and the book shows how we can replace our consumption-based lives with a simpler, kinder world based on deep respect for each other and the environment.

In an article in The Guardian, Thich Nhat Hanh said, “Maybe we have enough technology to save the planet but it is not enough because the people are not ready. This is why we need to focus on the other side of the problem, the pollution of the environment not in terms of carbon dioxide but the toxic atmosphere in which we live; so many people getting sick, many children facing violence and despair and committing suicide.”

We found out the possibility to set up a group with Plum Village UK support, and met for meditation at Heather Lodge to see if this would be a suitable space for a group to meet. We are dedicated mindfulness practitioners, and as facilitators will offer a space for people to practice together. Chairs are available or you can bring your meditation seat or cushion.

This group is open to everybody, beginner or experienced meditation practitioners, from every background, and for anyone who believes we should save our planet with every means we have. The sessions will be free, but small donations are welcome.

Our first meeting will be on Wednesday May 17th at 7pm, at Banner Lodge @Heather Lodge, and will meet on third Wednesday of the month thereafter.

  • Schedule
  • 7.00 – Welcome
  • 7.15 – Conscious breathing and sitting meditation 
  • 7.30 – Silent meditation 
  • 7.45 – A short reading from the book ‘Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet’
  • 8pm – Going home

We look forward to seeing you there!

Ruth - Eco Savvy

Things that motivate me: climate justice & addressing all forms of inequality & protecting animals, wildlife & our environment.

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© Arran Eco Savvy 2025