• Savvy Film Club (online & FREE!)
  • Anti-racism & the environment
  • Make your own hand sanitiser workshop – watch online
  • Compost quiz & foody update
  • UK surge in veg box demand & Woodside Arran veg

Savvy Film Club (online & FREE!):
On Tuesday 4th August 2020 we will be holding our first ever “Cycle Shorts” film screening. This will consist of four different themed bike shorts curated by our ebike coordinator, Andrew!

Following the films we also invite everyone to have a wee chat on facebook.

If you wish to just watch the films and not participate in the chat, that is totally fine (no pressure!) but we would love to hear your comments afterwards!

About the films:

“Join us on a virtual bike trip from London to Utah via the Scottish Highlands!

Through these four films we will take a look at cycling from very different perspectives from old school bike touring, to how cycling can celebrate and empower the differences in people, to discovering new landscapes and freedom, and finally, to pushing the human mind and body in endurance cycling.

Even if you are not “into” biking we are sure there is something in here for everyone!”

Prior to the screening we will send you a link to enable you to watch the films for free, along with simple instructions about how to view and how to take part in the online .

As some of you may have noticed, we have been having some trouble with facebook messenger (grr!) so if you would like to join it would be best if you could pop us a message to ruth.ecosavvy@gmail.com – we will then send you the links to the films on Tuesday afternoon!

We really hope that you will join us to watch the films and especially to join in with the discussion afterwards

Anti-racism & the environment:

Conversations about racism and the #BlackLivesMatter movement have been escalated in recent weeks by the brutal murder of George Floyd and subsequent human rights abuses across the globe.

At Eco Savvy we are very much aware of racism on a societal level but especially of the intersection of racism and climate injustice. We are working on how we can address the issue of racism in the context of the work we do and will keep you updated.

In the meantime we wanted to highlight this very interesting and important article published in this month’s Voice for Arran – “Why don’t we take climate change seriously? – Racism is the answer”

“Recent government figures have highlighted how BAME Brits are disproportionately affected by COVID, and independent studies have shown harmful air pollution is most concentrated in ethnically diverse areas. This brings yet another harrowing meaning to the words “I can’t breathe”.”

Read the full article here.

Compost quiz & foody update:

The food strand was getting into the gritty details of soil and compost this month!

We watched the excellent documentary “The Need to Grow” and had an exciting Q&A with the director after the film. If you missed this fantastic film you can watch it for free here: https://grow.foodrevolution.org/

If you’re interested you can watch the Q&A and discussion here:  

We’ve also been sharing articles, tips and videos in our Facebook community and now we want to know what you’ve learnt about the subject!

Take our quick quiz to share your knowledge on composting and soil! 

UK surge in veg box demand & Woodside Arran veg:

Although the last few months have been difficult for everybody, one of the positives to come out of the pandemic is that people are looking to understand more about where their food comes from.

Ethical Consumer recently reported a “surge in veg box demand” which shows that people are considering issues of provenance and there are many interesting conversations about food security taking place.

From an Arran perspective, the lovely folks down at Woodside Farm CIC (Community Interest Company) are still providing amazing homegrown veg on a free/donation basis. This week they had kale, Swiss chard, peas, beans, courgettes, chillis, basil and parsley.

Do pop by and see them in Brodick at the wee Co car park on Tuesdays at 2pm and they are also in Blackwaterfoot at the Kinloch car park on Wednesdays at 2pm!

Also follow Woodside Farm on facebook for updates.

Ruth - Eco Savvy

Things that motivate me: climate justice & addressing all forms of inequality & protecting animals, wildlife & our environment.


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© Arran Eco Savvy 2025